Cal Wise Plants
The water conditions in San Diego County are a key factor when planning any landscape project; commerical or residential. Steve has compiled a list of his favorite varieties of drought resistant, drought tolerant plants chosen for both heartiness and presentation. We’ve included each plant’s botanical and common names, a general description with size potentials, blooming periods, water and light requirements, and other pertinent information to help you make your water wise planting decisions.
Description: Flowering perennial. Upright plant with velvety purple blooms. 3-4’tall 5-6’ wide
Common Name: Mexican Bush Sage
Blooming Period: Late summer into spring
Water Requirement: Low
Lighting Requirements: Sun to part sun
Other Comments: Attractive to hummingbirds - SALVIA GREGII
Description: Flowering perennial. 3-4’tall
Common Name: Autumn Sage
Blooming Period: Spring to fall in wetter areas and fall to winter in drier areas
Water Requirement: Low
Lighting Requirements: Sun to part sun
Other Comments: Needs well drained soil - TAGETES LEMMONII
Description: Flowering perennial. 6’tall 4’ wide
Common Name: Copper Canyon Daisy
Blooming Period: Fall and early spring; dormant in winter
Water Requirement: Low
Lighting Requirements: Full sun
Other Comments: High heat tolerance - QUERCUS AGRIFOLIA
Description: 20-70' tall. Native evergreen tree
Common Name: Coast Live Oak
Blooming Period: Attractive foliage all year
Water Requirement: Low
Lighting Requirements: Full sun to partial shade
Other Comments: Extensive horizontal root branches - GAURA LINDHEIMERI
Description: Native flowering perennial 4' tall 3' wide
Common Name: Whirling Butterfly
Blooming Period: Buds spring-fall
Water Requirement: Low
Lighting Requirements: Full sun
Other Comments: White, pink & crimson varieties - ERIGERON KARVINSKIANUS
Description: Evergreen groundcover 1-2' tall 3-5' wide
Common Name: Santa Barbara Daisy, Fleabane
Blooming Period: Daisy flowers year round
Water Requirement: Low
Lighting Requirements: Sun/light shade
Other Comments: Sun/light shade - ROSMARINUS PROSTRATUS
Description: Low spreading evergreen shrub 3' tall 4-8' wide
Common Name: Prostrate rosemary, creeping rosemary
Blooming Period: Year round
Water Requirement: Medium to low
Lighting Requirements: Sun to part shade
Other Comments: Distinctive herb with culinary uses - CALISTEMON 'LITTLE JOHN'
Description: Evergreen shrub 3' tall 3' wide
Common Name: Dwarf Callistemon
Blooming Period: Bright red bristle stamens year round, peaks early summer-fall
Water Requirement: Low
Lighting Requirements: Full sun to light shade
Other Comments: Native to Australia - ALOE STRIATA
Description: Succulent, 2-3' tall 1-2' wide
Common Name: Coral Aloe
Blooming Period: Winter/spring, red flowers
Water Requirement: Low
Lighting Requirements: Full sun
Other Comments: Leaf color varies, reddish in sun and bluish-green in cool spots - ANIGOZANTHOS FLAVIDUS
Description: Evergreen perennial. 2-3' tall foliage. Flower wands 4-5' tall
Common Name: Kangaroo Paw
Blooming Period: Yellow-green flowers, spring
Water Requirement: Low - needs well drained soil
Lighting Requirements: Full sun
Other Comments: Attracts hummingbirds - ARCTOSTAPHYLOS 'POINT REYES'
Description: Native groundcover
Common Name: Point Reyes Manzanita. Also sandberry, kinnikinnick and bearberry
Blooming Period: Pale pink, mid-spring to early summer
Water Requirement: Low to moderate
Lighting Requirements: Full sun
Other Comments: Requires excellent drainage - BOUGAINVILLEAB
Description: Evergreen climbing vine
Common Name: Bougainvillea
Blooming Period: Summer/fall
Water Requirement: Low
Lighting Requirements: Full sun
Other Comments: Many varieties, wide range of colors. Nearly pest-free - GERANIUM INCANUM
Description: Evergreen perennial. >1' high width 'spreading'
Common Name: Carpet geranium
Blooming Period: Pale mauve flowers, spring/fall
Water Requirement: Low
Lighting Requirements: Sun or shade
Other Comments: Great groundcover; native to South Africa - SANTOLINA VIRENS
Description: Evergreen 2' tall 3' wide
Common Name: Green Santolina
Blooming Period: Solitary yellow flowers, summer
Water Requirement: low
Lighting Requirements: Full sun
Other Comments: Fragrant dark green foliage - CERCIDIUM 'DESERT MUSEUM'
Description: Native, semi-deciduous tree 20-30' tall 20-40' wide
Common Name: Hybrid Palo Verde
Blooming Period: Yellow flowers, spring
Water Requirement: Low
Lighting Requirements: Full sun
Other Comments: Fast growing; attractive to bees - CERCIS OCCIDENTALIS
Description: Leguminous shrub 7-20' tall. Native
Common Name: Western Redbud
Blooming Period: Blooming Period Magenta flowers for 2 week periods, Feb.-April
Water Requirement: Low
Lighting Requirements: Full sun
Other Comments: Attractive to hummingbirds - ECHEVERIA ELEGANS
Description: Succulent evergreen. Groundcover, 8" tall 12" spread
Common Name: Hens and Chicks
Blooming Period: Pink blooms, spring/summer
Water Requirement: Low
Lighting Requirements: Sun or shade
Other Comments: Leaves are grey green rosettes